Sunday, December 14, 2014

Common Phoenix Sprinkler Repairs and Problems

There are various types of sprinkler problems that can occur in your sprinkler system. Our Phoenix sprinkler repair technicians have seen many different types of issues or emergency situations with sprinkler or drip systems. In any given situation regarding fixing your sprinklers, it is important that you contact a Phoenix sprinkler repair professional to handle all of your leaks, breaks, etc. with care.

In the Phoenix area, there are very common problems we see in sprinkler systems that we look at or inspect on behalf of our customers. Many of these types of problems have causes that are explainable and symptomatic. Here is a list of some common sprinkler problems we have dealt with on a daily basis over the last few years:

  • Broken sprinkler heads - sprinkler heads break for a number of reasons and is most definitely one of the most common repair jobs we handle. They can break due to age and heat, as well as other reasons like dogs, lawn mowers, and driving over them with vehicle.
  • Bad sprinkler timers - these things can go out during a bad storm, electrical shorts, and other electrical malfunctions
  • Broken sprinkler pipes, water leaks- this is all too common for us as sprinkler pipes break for a number of reasons, upgrading the type of pipes you are using can be beneficial, including PVC. Copper pipes are more expensive but last longer. Pipes often crack causing water leaks when it is very hot. 
These are some of the most common jobs we handle on a daily basis. They are very common and consist of at least 70% of our work. Upgrading the type of pipes you use and quality of your sprinkler heads and timers can help you prevent constant repairs on our sprinkler system.

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